
The big issue of restructuring for SMEs


Event: The big issue of restructuring for SMEs

Event date: 26 - 27 November 2007

Venue: MCE - Management Centre Europe

Rue de l'Aqueduc 118,

1050 Brussels

Phone: +322 543 2100

The European Commission is organising another session of the Restructuring Forum in

Brussels, dedicated to SMEs. Bringing together the European institutions, governments, cross industry and sectoral social partners, academic experts, business support providers such as chambers of commerce and industry and regional development agencies, this conference will highlight the specific challenges that restructuring can pose for SMEs and will provide a platform for the exchange and discussion of best practices on how to adapt to change.

We highly encourage you to participate in this event!

To register, please write to the following address mentioning the code "FORUM 10-07 ENTR":


For further information about the Draft Agenda see link below:


For further information about the event see link below:


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