
1st JEUNE Convention of young entrepreneurs of craft and small and medium-size enterprises.

The 1st JEUNE Convention will take place in Brussels on Monday, 3rd December at the Representation of the Bavarian Region to the EU. This event is addressed to young entrepreneurs coming from JEUNE’s member organisations.

In the morning, the participants will attend the two-panel JEUNE assembly, which will address issues of interest for the entrepreneurs such as entrepreneurship and access to finance. Representatives of the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) and European Parliament will be among the speakers.

In the afternoon, the delegates will attend the PIN-SME Launch Event “ICT and SMEs: big opportunities for small players”, where Keynote speeches will be delivered by high level representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament, namely Françoise Le Bail (EC SME Envoy), Othmar Karas (MEP, Vice-President of EPP-ED) and Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (MEP).

We look forward to welcoming you at this event.

The final agenda will be sent to you shortly.